Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today was the bridal shower for one of my old roommates, Natalie.

Jenny was mostly in charge of planning it, and enlisted me to make some decorations. Of course, I was really excited to do anything for a party. I made these festive tissue paper puffs and a triangle bunting. Nat's colors are gray, yellow and purple and I had a really fun time doing the decorations.

The best thing about bridal showers is that all of us old roomies get together and have a chance to hang out just like old times! And as you can see, we had a pretty good time.


Cortney said...

um how did you make those puffs! I love them. I've seen them in packages at stores...martha stewart brand... but can you make them by hand?

candace said...

Yep, I bought one of the kits a long time ago and then just copied the method. They're really easy! Thanks!

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