Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm on a QUEST!!

So while my mom was in town visiting, we swapped a ton of stories about my childhood. It was a very nostalgic time.

I was trying to remind my mom about a book that I loved as a child. It was from the 60s (big surprise, I know) and in it a little girl and her mom went downtown to buy a party dress. I remembered that it was yellow on the cover and that there were other short stories in the volume. For the life of me I couldn't remember the name of this book.

I searched on the internet, trying to figure out what this book was! I thought that the internet had all the answers but apparently it didn't have this one for me. By this point, I wasn't sure if I had made up this memory -- it was driving me crazy!

Finally, I called my sister, Elise. I described the book to her and she said she knew what I was talking about (hooray! I'm not imagining this!) But she was unsure on the title of the book too. Being the sweet younger sister she is (and me being the persistant older sister I am) I asked her to look through the box of kids books to finally solve this mystery.

A few minutes later, she found it. "City Days and City Ways" she told me on the other end of the line. And for the record, they were going party shoe shopping, not party dress shopping.

After I found out the name and author, I was able to discover that there are four books in this collection and so now I am on a QUEST! to find all of them. The problem is, I have no idea where this book came from and I don't know how to get the others. So wish me luck!


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